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Sleeve Gastrostomy

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Sleeve Gastrostomy

This operation is one of the limiter surgeries in which 2/3 of the stomach is removed and remains in the shape of a thin tube. Since a mass of cells producing appetite hormones are removed, the appetite decreases significantly. This method does not cause any disorder in food attraction and thus the probability of loss of nutrition and vitamin is less likely to happen.

Sleeve gastrostomy is sometimes regarded as the first phase before bypass in obese patients. Since it has had good results and it is less disadvantageous compared to bypass, it is getting more popular. Usually 45% to 65% of obesity is lost within the first two years.

Preparations before operation

The time before the operation is very important. You need a couple of months to spend on visiting the specialist physicians including nutritionist, tumor specialist, lung, cardio, sport, psychiatrist, digestion specialists.

Pay attention that these phases are necessary to achieve the desired result. Concerning the sensitivity of these acts, a trifle ignorance may cause irreparable complications.

Necessary tests including blood test, endoscopy, chest photo, breath test, pregnancy test, are done before the operation. For surgical operations, general anesthesia is done and most of the times it is done in shape of laparoscopic. This is the best method of operation because it decreases the risk of two important complications that are injury infection and hernia and it results in pain decrease significantly and the patient can return to normal life in a short while and hospitalization time will reduce.

Nutrition after operation

Patient’s tolerance towards the foods is different among patients so comparing patients to each other in this respect is wrong.

In the first weeks after operation, sometimes the patient is not really hungry but feels hungry emotionally; it is very important to avoid eating during this phase.

After surgery foods that you can use are different. You should start with liquids and continue with softened food and gradually phase into normal food.

In order to avoid vomiting and sickness, strictly follow your diet. In each meal, use a little mass and chew it well. Since you don’t feel hungry for a long time, and in case of over-eating you feel pain and sickness, strictly follow your diet suggested by the physician. Sit down while eating and have your meals in a quiet environment. Do use protein sufficiently such as eggs, meat, fish, etc.

Never drink liquids while eating dinner or lunch but drink a lot between the meals. Avoid eating gassy drinks, sweet drinks, and different kinds of sauce, fried foods, greasy and sweet food. They stop weight loss. Always obey your diet and be active as much as you can.


Q: When can the patient walk?

A: As soon as he is conscious


Q: When can the patient drive?

A: As soon as he is discharged


References: Obesity surgery book, Dr. Alireza Khalaj, Dr. Hadi Kazemi

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