Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
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Liver Cirrhosis

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Liver Cirrhosis

Liver is located in the right side of the abdomen and below the chest. The liver has important role including:

  1. Storing and producing sugar, protein (for instance Albumin) and fat.
  2. Storing vitamin A-D and Iron.
  3. Storing vitamin K.
  4. Producing bile: bile has an important role in re-absorbing fat from the intestine.
  5. Eliminating toxic and harmful chemicals.
  6. Detoxifying the body.


Cirrhosis is a chronic and irreversible liver disease. In this case, the liver cells will be damaged and gradually disappear, eventually the dead cells will replace the healthy ones.

Causes of liver cirrhosis:

  • Viral infection such as all types of hepatitis (most common cause)
  • Drug poisoning
  • Long-term alcohol consumption
  • Genetic disorders such as Wilson
  • Taking some kind of medicines and biliary obstruction
  • Autoimmune disease

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis:

In the early stages of the disease the symptoms are fever, weight loss, vomiting, fatigue and weakness, anorexia and itching.

Symptoms in advance stages:

  1. Gastrointestinal bleeding means bleeding from the esophagus and anus due to the Bob’s vein hypertension. The symptoms are, bloody vomiting and stool. Bob’s vein hypertension leads to dilated esophageal veins (the esophageal varices) which are prone to bleeding.
  2. In addition to Bob’s vein hypertension, a lack of coagulants also causes abnormal bleeding in different parts of the body.
  3. Bruising on the skin due to the lack of coagulants and subcutaneous bleeding.
  4. Jaundice (yellow skin)
  5. Prominent abdominal surface veins
  6. Edema or breast enlargement in men
  7. Abdominal pain and fever
  8. Oliguria
  9. Colorless stool
  10. Anemia
  11. Kidney failure
  12. Ascites (build up fluid inside the abdominal cavity)
  13. Decrease in consciousness due to accumulation of toxins in the brain


The most definitive way to diagnose cirrhosis is liver biopsy. Ultrasonography and CT scans of the liver also help diagnosing cirrhosis. In addition, liver function tests, show the progression of the disease. These tests include measuring blood proteins, liver enzymes, bilirubin and examining coagulation factors such as PT.


The goal is to control and treat the complications of cirrhosis and prevent the progression of the disease.

Remedial actions:

  1. Controlling esophageal varices bleeding by endoscopy
  2. Treating the ascites with diuretic drugs, limiting water/fluid and salt intake, extracting abdominal water and treating the infection.
  3. Treating malnutrition, prescribing vitamins specially A, D, E and K.

Patient education tips:

  1. Adjust your diet and consider the salt and fluid intake. Ask your nutritionist for your nutrition instructions.
  2. Avoid inactivity and have a light exercise program. Inactivity causes constipation and aggravates bleeding.
  3. Rest if you feel tired.
  4. Be under your doctors’ supervision regularly.
  5. Inject the hepatitis B vaccine.
  6. Inject the flu vaccine annually.
  7. Use a gentle tooth brush to avoid gum bleeding.
  8. Follow these tips to relieve itching:
    • Use a mild soap.
    • Use an anti-itching lotion.
    • Use a gentle towel to dry your skin after taking a shower and apply moisturizing cream.

Caution: In case of vomiting or decreased consciousness occurs, consult your doctor immediately.

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