Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
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Insulin is a hormone that is made in the pancreas and secreted in to the body. If blood sugar level rises, more insulin enters the bloodstream, thereby causes lowering blood sugar. In diabetics, insulin secretion will reduce (or not secreted) and this will lead to blood sugar increase.

Types of insulin/Preparation:

  1. Regular type with clear color
  2. NPH type with milky opaque color

To fill the insulin syringe, first insert clear insulin and then milky one. For those who has problem with mixing insulin, it is suggested to use mixed insulin.

Preservation and consumption of insulin:

  1. The consumed insulin should be kept in a cool place and protect from freezing.
  2. Avoid injecting expired insulin and check the clarity of insulin before use.
  3. Inject the insulin at a certain time every day and before the main meal.
  4. Adjustment of insulin injection amount should be done by your physician. Avoid changing the insulin amount arbitrary.
  5. Avoid injecting cold insulin. Before inserting the insulin, flip the vial between the hands palm slowly and disinfect the injection site with alcoholic cotton before injection.
  6. If it is needed to consume both Regular and NPH insulin, first insert the Regular insulin then NPH one in the syringe.
  7. Change the injection site regularly and inject insulin under the skin and into the adipose tissue.

Main sites for injection:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Skin surface of arms
  3. Front surface of the thighs
  4. Hip

Change the injection site every time to prevent skin damage or skin tightening. Use a specific area at a specific time of a day. For example, perform morning injections into the abdomen and evening injections into the arms and thighs.

Correct method of insulin injection:

  1. Make ready the insulin glass and the syringe.
  2. Insert air into the syringe as much as the amount of prescribed insulin.
  3. Insert the air in the syringe into the insulin glass.
  4. Keep the insulin glass upside and the syringe downside.
  5. To be able to exhale the air inside the syringe, firstly insert ¾ units more than the insulin prescribed amount. To bring out the air trapped inside the syringe, tap a few times and then insert the extra insulin and the air inside the syringe into the insulin glass slowly.
  6. Pull the skin of injecting site upwards with the thumb and forefinger (like a tweak).
  7. Inject vertically or with 45 degree in to the place of injection site, then push the piston. Hold a piece of cotton on the injected site for some seconds after injection.
  8. In children, adolescents and lean people, it is better to do the injection with 45 degree and in obese people with 90 degree. The insulin syringe has 50 lines (100 units) which means each line is 2 units of insulin.

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