Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
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Tests After Liver Transplant

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Tests After Liver Transplant

Frequent blood sampling is needed to control the function and condition of the transplanted liver. The interval time changes gradually from several times in a day to daily, every two to three days, weekly and monthly in the first year. In the following years, the number of tests will be reduced again.


Table1: Measuring Blood Cells

What it reveals Normal Range Parameter
Body’s ability in dealing with infection 3500-11000 W.B.C (White Blood Cells)
Measuring oxygen-carrying blood cells 35%-47% Hct (Hematocrit)
Amount of responsible cells in blood coagulation 140,000-450,000 Plt (Platelet)


Table2: Liver Function Tests

What it reveals Normal Range Parameter
Ability of liver in blood clotting factors production 11.5-14.5 (seconds)




Ability of liver in blood clotting factors production 0.8-1.2 IU INR
Assessing liver’s ability in cleansing blood from bilirubin and excreting it in bile Bili(Total): 0.3-1 mg/dl

Bili (Direct): 0-0.3 mg/dl

Liver ability in producing protein 3.8-4.8 mg/dl Albumin
Liver ability in producing and excreting this type of fat 150-240 mg/dl Cholesterol


Table3: liver enzymes

What it reveals Normal Range Parameter
Liver enzymes, the increase of which indicate the liver cells dysfunction 12-45 U/L AST or SGOT
Liver enzymes, the increase of which indicate liver cells dysfunction 7-40 U/L ALT or SGPT
Liver enzymes, the increase of which determine the obstruction or narrowing of the bile ducts Adults: 37-400 U/L

Children: 37-1200 U/L

AlP or Alkaline Phosphatase


Table 4: electrolyte, kidney function test

What it reveals Natural Range Parameter
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 136-145 mEq/L Na
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 3.5-5.3 mEq/L K
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 98-106 mEq/L Cl
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 2.4-6.9 mEq/L P
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 1.6-2.4 mEq/L Mg
Liver function factor 7-22 mg/dl BUN
Liver function factor 0.5-1.2 mg/dl Cr.
Blood electrolytes (minerals) amount 7.8-10.7 mEq/L Ca.


Table5: immunosuppressive drug tests

What it reveals Normal Range Parameter
Tacrolimus drug amount in blood 5-20 ng/ml FK,  Prograf or Tacrolimus Level
Cyclosporine drug amount in blood 75-350 mg/ml Cyclosporine or Sandimmune Level
Sirolimus drug amount in blood 3-18 mg/ml Sirolimus or Rapamune Level
Certican drug amount in blood 3-8 ng/ml Certican or Everolimus Level


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