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Organ Donation in Different Religions

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Organ Donation in Different Religions

Most sects and groups of mainstream religions have accepted organ donation with their own circumstances.

  • Organ Transplantation in Christian

Most major branches of Christianity have no objection to organ donation and organ transplants.

    1. Catholic Sect

The mainstream Catholic which is led by the Vatican Church, morally permits transplantation and organ donation and encourages it as a good act. From the Catholics point of view, the sale of organs is not an obstacle either.

    1. Protestant Sect

Because of the many groups under its umbrella, this Sect has not generally expressed its views on organ transplantation and donation, but most Sects consider organ transplantation and organ donation dependent on their own decision, although some denominations also encourage it.

    1. Orthodox Sect

This sect does not oppose the Transplantation and Organ donation. The Orthodox Church does not prohibit organ donation even for scientific experiments and research.

  • Transplantation in Jewish Religion

Most Jewish denominations consider organ donation acceptable. In the Jewish religion, saving one’s life over all laws and regulations is paramount except in three cases: murder, adultery, and idolatry; organ donation is permitted to save human beings, but not for experience and research. Transplantation must be done with full respect for human dignity and respect for the deceased. Given this, autopsy as well as organ transplants are permitted on their own terms, and brain death is accepted by specific scientific criteria.

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