Ward title: Pharmacy
Director: Dr. Tahere Motazedian
Tell: +98-7133441130-3
The pharmacy unit located Abualisina Hospital is in accordance with principles and standards. Due to having qualified staffs, providing expensive, scarce medicines and especially specific patient’s
Medicines (transplants, dialysis, etc.) is one of the largest pharmacies in the country. It serves the patients and clients on a 24 hours a day basis. This unit has some sections including: in-patient and hospitalized pharmacy, surgery room pharmacy, drug stock
The ward services:
- Recording and evaluating adverse drug reaction (ADR)
- Record and review of incidents related to medical necessities
- Tracking and managing medication errors
- Development of Guidelines and Therapeutic Protocols and Monitoring its Implementation
- Performing automatic stop order
- Try to establish clean room for producing intravenous feeding solutions and IV Admixture
- Telephone and in-person response to pharmaceutical information
Future perspectives:
Separating the central pharmacy from in-patient pharmacy