Intensive Treatment Unit 2 (ITU II)
Ward title: Intensive Treatment Unit 2 (ITU II)
Director: Dr. Alireza Shamsaifar
Tell: +98-7133441320
ITU started to work since 87/10/1 in Namazi hospital. Then it was transferred to Abualisina hospital with this department establishment in Abualisina in 96/5/14. It is separated into two unit of ITU I and ITU II. ITU II has 12 ICU beds and an isolated bed.
The ward services:
Most important advantage of ITU department is that it is round by the experienced and expert doctors. Transplant surgeries include liver transplant, pancreas, SPK, bowel, kidney transplant, as well as multi-organ transplant.
- Due to the transplanted patient’s sensitivity, clinical services are done in the ward itself (x-ray, ultra sound, eco-cardiograph, biopsy, double lumen etc.).
- In case of kidney problems, hemodialysis and CRRT are done by experienced and expert nurses in ITU
- To monitor the transplanted organ, medical tests and ultra sound are done every day
- Physiotherapy and daily infectious visit are done every day if needed.
- Constant presence of ICU man (Dr. Firoozifar)
- Expert nurses for taking care of transplanted patients
Dr. Malek hosseini, Dr. Saman nikeqbalian, Dr. koorosh Kazemi, Dr. Alireza Shamsaifar, Dr. Moradi, Dr. Eqlimi, Dr. Hamed Nikoopour, Dr. Firoozifar,
34 nurses, 8 assistants
Ward equipment
Twelve electronic three-pieced bed, twelve wavy beds, twelve monitors, ventilator device, CRRT device, hemodialysis device, warmer device, pump syringe device, infusion pump device, central monitor, monitored trolley
Future perspectives
Competing with the world ITU in terms of quality
Ward recommendations to visitors:
- Due to infection danger, patient’s meeting is possible only on odd days from 3 to 5 pm.)
- Patients information records are just presented to first class relatives in person (giving information on phone is impossible).