Abu-Ali Sina foundation is a full-service charity, academic, research and medical foundation that is ready to offer upmost services to patients. It is located in south of the country in Sadra city, Shiraz, Fars province. The purpose is providing and promoting society’s health which has been started its activities from 2018.
Fars Province, Iran
Fax: +98 71 1643 0038
Fax: +98 71 1643 0038
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General Internal Medicine Ward

Home  /  Hospital Clinical Wards  /  General Internal Medicine Ward

General Internal Medicine Ward

Ward Title: General Internal Medicine Ward

Director: Dr. Sedighe Jafarian

Direct Telephone: +98-71-33441810



The General Internal Medicine ward is located in underground floor and has 12 beds. This ward provides services to patients with internal diseases.

Ward services:

This ward provides services to patients with internal diseases who were transferred from emergency ward under the physician supervision. These patients will receive all needed services such as radiography, CT scan, sonography, dialysis, endoscopy, angiography and etc.


This ward is rounded by internists including Dr. Sedighe Jafarian and Dr. Khatere Mirzad Jahromi. Moreover, 24 personnel work there including 18 nurses.

Ward equipment:

Including syringe pump, wall suction device, wall monitor, oxygen gauge and oxygen capsule.

Ward recommendations to clients:

Since this ward is meet prevented, permanent presence of attendants are not necessary. But considering the patient’s condition, some of them are allowed to have a visitor. For more information about your patient’s condition, feel free to call the ward. Also, observing health care for the patients is compulsory.

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